Professional Regular House Cleaning Services

Marching Maids offers a wide array of house cleaning services to suit a variety of customer needs.  The most common cleaning service chosen is a regular cleaning completed on an ongoing basis.  A bi-weekly maid service works the best for most homes we see.  By selecting the bi-weekly option on the booking page, you can be assured, under most circumstances, that your home will stay clean and tidy for 2 weeks.  It’s usually after the 2 week point that we start to see the home doesn’t pass the eye test for being “clean.”  This is assuming that your house gets equal use throughout and every room in the home is occupied. The case can be different for empty-nesters or single people that don’t use much of the home or aren’t around very often. In this situation, it may be more appropriate to select either a tri-weekly housekeeping service or Monthly maid service frequency.  The more often the recurring cleaning is, the steeper the discount given.  Here’s a breakdown of the cost savings depending on the frequency of cleaning requested: 30% for weekly, 25% bi-weekly, 20% tri-weekly and 15% monthly discount for customers.  Whichever frequency you choose, you are never locked into a contract and you can change your cleaning date and/or frequency at any time with 24 hour notice.  Some customers start off with monthly maid service only to realize their house just isn’t staying clean long enough between cleanings and switch to a bi-weekly service thereafter.  If you go on vacation and need to move the cleaning date, you can do that from your marching maids profile or give a customer a rep a call so we can take care of it for you.

Regular House Cleaning Services You Can Depend On

There’s a  lot to juggle when deciding to hire a house cleaning service Los Angeles.  You will need to decide if you need a maid service or a house cleaning service.  What’s the difference? We wrote a great article you can read more about here.  But the main difference between them is that the maid service is more of a regular house cleaning with frequent cleaning intervals and house cleaning service is more intermittent.  With a regular maid service you will see that the detail of cleaning and the overall cleanliness of your home actually improves week over week.  Marching Maids will send the same professional house cleaners to your home consistently. What this ensures is that your house is constantly combed over from top to bottom to get every little crack and crevice sparkling clean.  By setting up regular maid service, the housekeepers will narrow in on every part of the house as they become more familiar with your desires and wants.  They will even customize house cleaning to an extent to ensure that you’re as satisfied as possible with your regular house cleaning service.    

How To Decide On The Best Regular House Cleaning Service

When deciding which professional house cleaner to hire, it’s important to try to find the most reliable house cleaners possible.  There’s a lot of responsibility when determining who you feel is the best fit for your home.  Some customers try to find independent house cleaners online because it may be the cheapest option available to them or maybe because that’s how they found house cleaners in the past.  You may find a diamond in the rough, but why take all of that effort.  Marching Maids goes through all the effort to vet independent cleaners for you so you don’t have to.  We make sure that we find trustworthy house cleaners that also do an amazing job cleaning your home, showing up on time and are passionate about the work that they do.  Marching Maids reviews thousands of application a year to find truly the best house cleaners near you.   Once they go to clean your home, we will give you the option to review their work and rate them on a scale of 1-5.  Only house cleaners that get reviewed with 4 and 5 stars continue to get job invitations to clean houses.  Take a look at what some of our customers are saying about their amazing house cleaning they received.

Marching Maids Customer Reviews

What's included in Regular House Cleaning Service?

Regular maid service at your home will include general bathroom cleaning such as cleaning bathtubs, shower walls, sinks, toilets and floors.  Kitchen cleaning: wiping kitchen cabinets, countertops, stove top, sink, and floors.  General living area cleaning includes: general dusting, cobweb removal, removing trash, making beds if you prefer and sweeping , vacuuming and mopping the floors. If you need anything additional cleaned, you can add extras to your booking.  Popular add-ons are oven cleaning, refrigerator cleaning and washing windows.  There are a lot more to choose from when booking a regular housekeeping service.  

Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between standard maid service and a deep house cleaning?


The two house cleaning services are  similar in the sense that the areas of your home that get cleaned are the same.  The major difference between the two is the amount of TIME and EFFORT that it takes to perform a deep house cleaning.  The deep cleaning is a very robust, elbow-grease delivering, high-intensity, attention to detail style of cleaning designed to make the home appear as new as we can possibly make it!  We want those bathrooms shower walls to shine, the tubs to glisten, the kitchen cabinets to be radiant and the floors clean enough to grace your bare feet.  We want you to walk into your home and feel totally rejuvenated by how clean it is so you can relax and enjoy your home.  Both cleanings include a bathroom cleaning: shower walls, tubs, sink, mirrors, toilets and floors.  Kitchen: Kitchen cabinets, countertops, stovetop, inside microwave and floors. General living areas like the bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms include: general dusting, cobweb removal, trash taken out, new linens put on the bed, vacuuming and mopping.  

What kind of spaces do you professional house clean?

Marching Maids offers a wide variety of house cleaning options for a variety of spaces.  We offer apartment cleaning services, townhouse cleaning services, condo cleaning services, residential cleaning services, and we even cleaned an RV or two!  When it comes to cleaning,  we are always interested to hear what sort of project you have in  mind and how we may accommodate.  

Are there any other related house cleaning services that you provide?

Yes, of course! We understand that not every house is the same and requirements can vary vastly.  Some of our most popular types of services include: Laundry services, dish washing service, wiping walls, cleaning windows, scrubbing baseboards, sweeping out patio spaces and garages, cleaning the inside of the oven, inside of the refrigerator and post construction cleaning.